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County Clare Nursery Memorial (Mother & Baby Home)

28 May 2021

Closed for submissions
Submission deadline: Thursday June 10, 2021

A memorial garden and sculpture marking the County Clare Nursery (Mother & Baby Home) will be installed in Kilrush, County Clare, later this summer. Members of the public are invited to have their say on the proposed memorial sculpture and wording.

The County Clare Nursery, which was owned and financed by Clare County Council, housed unmarried mothers and their babies, as well as orphaned and abandoned babies, from 1922 to 1932.

Conditions during the nursery's ten-year existence were extremely poor as the building was in a bad state of repair. The mothers who lived there were also described as neglected, with no proper clothing or comfort of any kind. An estimated 330 children were born here during the nursery's ten-year existence.

Following the publication of the Final Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes in February 2021, Clare County Council issued a public apology for its role in failing to meet the care needs of the former residents. Clare County Council expressed its commitment to memorialising the former residents of the site. A memorial garden is being established in Kilrush.


To make your submission

The County Clare Nursery Memorial Working Group invites members of the public to make submissions in relation to the proposed memorial sculpture and wording.

Please visit to make your submission

Closing Date

Thursday June 10, 2021

Page last updated: 01/06/21

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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